This carrier could hold up to three experiments and the Hitchhiker avionics box, which connected the power, data and signal from the shuttle to the experiments.
Google's arguments fail to address the financial gain represented by connecting personal data to real-world identities.
The NextBio Platform is an ontology-based semantic framework that connects highly heterogeneous data and textual information.
Neither data nor frame comes first; data evoke frames and frames select and connect data.
It "connects the dots" between data that is not seemingly related.
Plugins connect to applications and other plugins with pins via which they can pass and processes buffered streams of audio (or video) data.
Sometimes called a universal protocol gateway, this class of product is designed as a computer appliance, and is used to connect data from one automation system to another.
Two pins in OpenWire can connect and exchange data only if they support compatible data types.
With smarter phones and networks, coupled with easy ways to connect data, the possibilities are nearly limitless now.
A peer is one instance of a BitTorrent client running on a computer on the Internet to which other clients connect and transfer data.