There are also some significant national secondary roads - across the coast, stretching from Ballyvaughan, through Ennistymon and Kilkee, before arriving at Kilrush is the N67 road (Ireland).
The Coastal Marines, with their mobility and lack of supervision, were notorious black-marketeers on the coast stretching from Galveston to the Florida Floods.
Ptolemy's account of India suffers from the confusion due to his mistaken idea of the Indian coast stretching (according to him) east and west instead of north and south.
Their natural habitat is the coast of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, also stretching south into the Eastern Cape and north into Mozambique.
Fishing in sea is carried out along the coast stretching over about 110 km.
Kuta's Neighbors Kuta Beach can mean the small area around the original village, or the whole coast stretching from the airport north to Legian and beyond.
The coast itself stretching westwards to the Pointe du Raz and northwards to Crozon is best visited on foot.
Celebrated once as a society playground, the craggy coast stretching south from Biarritz faded in popularity with the rise of the Côte d'Azur.
The section of coast stretching from Faro eastwards to Spain, known as the Sotavento Coast, is made up of salt marshes and lagoons, with beautiful sandy beaches on the barrier islands just offshore.
It had reduced by the late 15th century to an area along the east coast stretching from Dalkey, south of Dublin, to the garrison town of Dundalk.