The club is linked with rural villages in the Yoro region of Honduras.
Although several clubs around Europe were linked with Bouzid he chose the Greek side because of the 'team spirit'.
The superintendent has approved a plan to build a school annex for an honors science program, with an environmental bent, to which the club will be linked.
The club was linked at junior level with Glenorchy Camanachd in recent years but decided to go out on its own.
The club is linked with Manchester City.
Some clubs have been linked to organized crime, which has been known to use legitimate business as fronts for its illegal operations.
The club is linked with the school Dominic College.
But the club has also been linked to high-profile fights in and around it.
The two clubs were linked in this way because both had British roots.
The club is linked with the right wingpolitics since it was created.