The club has been functioning since 1997, but initially it had a different name.
The club wasn't functioning yet; it was still in the process of being redecorated.
Because membership was typically restricted to the upper tiers of third and fourth year medical students, the club also ironically functioned as an honor society.
Then, two months after the semester began, Mr. Sahara was told the club could no longer function.
The clubs functioned as hubs of high society, but Edith also participated in the cultural events and volunteer activities sponsored by the groups.
Foucart also states that these clubs did not function in any sense as benefit clubs, or offer relief to the sick and needy.
In the framework of the center, clubs and studios are functioning:
Besides this recreational clubs are also functioning in the district.
The following clubs, houses and societies are functioning to promote leadership qualities among the students:
The club functioned normally until financial troubles came up and the club nearly collapsed in 2005.