The merman's children waded ashore to greet their guests.
With light hearts the children waded along in the water.
There were covered bridges over brooks that a child could wade in, and a man could step over.
The children waded in the cold water while we admired a view that hadn't changed much since the first settlers arrived upstream nearly 400 years ago.
Venturesome children waded into the shallows scooping out fish with their hands.
A pile went by the back door, filling a huge pothole the children waded through when it rained.
But what about training the parents, who must help their children wade through their new homework geared to the new standards?
Naked children were wading in the stream, laughing and splashing each other.
The children got out of the boat and waded - not towards the wave but southward with the wall of water on their left.
Similarly, the man spied through the grate might be a father taking his child for a summer wade, or a preacher conducting a baptism.