The royal women began to arrive just as the child revealed itself for the first time.
The child, Oscar, reveals that he is in fact a Graske.
The child, Zorrino, reveals that he is an orphan living on the streets.
Small children would often reveal a terrorist who was trying to pose as a close relative.
As teacher and collaborator, I try to help the children make photographs that are both new and yet revealing of their culture's visual history.
But after hearing their mother wish that they were normal, the children reveal their intelligence to their parents.
Access Washington does not require children to reveal any information that could personally identify them.
Each child was supposed to clip an item from a newspaper, absorb its contents, and reveal them to the class.
The segment went astray when the child revealed she had been raped at the age of 12.
A child who is reticent in class may reveal at lunch a special interest around which a more exciting lesson can be built.