The girls are his grand-daughters, the elder, Lilla, being the only child of his elder son, who died when she was less than a year old.
In a third bedroom, Ms. Womack also cares for two children of her son, Corey.
Through the five children of her son Eduard she had descendants who exist until today.
The bewildered children of his son Robert learnt for the first time how their apparently benevolent grandfather really viewed their father.
After much suffering, they are eventually born as the children of Yashodhara's son in their seventh rebirth.
Have you forgotten your heritage this easily-you, the only child of Emperor Stanley Nine's oldest son?
Katherine now lives in Encino, California where she cares for the children of her late son, Michael.
He was the second child of four and their eldest son.
He was the ninth child of his parents and their fourth son.
Uniformed children from an elementary school march through the streets singing songs in praise of him and his son.