Again, welfare mothers and their children account for far less spending than one might think.
But those 45 children still accounted for 4 in 10 of all suspected deaths from abuse or neglect.
White children, who made up 58 percent of all students, accounted for 54.3 percent of the special education population.
And children born to teenage girls still account for 11.5 percent of all births in the United States.
Yet children account for fewer than 1 in 20 of those who get treatment, the organization found.
Their children accounted for only 5 out of 1,000 birth defects in the next generation, he said.
Women and children together account for 78 percent of all persons living in poverty.
Dominican-born children now account for more than 20 percent of all immigrants in the public schools.
On this day, my wife and I and our four children accounted for half the occupancy of the place.
Women and children account for 90 percent of the 40 million Medicaid beneficiaries.