This change has focussed attention on the effectiveness of organisations in the member states.
But the text's most crucial changes focus on who can become a candidate for president in the Ivory Coast.
A change might focus attention on another stretch of road nearby.
Since June 2007 the site has undergone massive changes focused on developing the editing functionality and group collaboration.
Thereafter, the changes to the municipal map focused mainly on the restoration and creation of new municipalities, particularly in the 20th century.
During the 1960s and 1970s, Georgia made significant changes in civil rights, governance, and economic growth focused on Atlanta.
The changes focused on lowering the per-unit cost of the engine while continuing to increase reliability.
He said changes would focus on new technology, especially communications networks.
Other changes to the game focused on improving the general presentation and adding more alien characters.
The changes in the community focused on the role of women but aimed strongly at educating the men.