Although he could no longer obtain choice bookings and venues, his career survived in the black churches.
As it was, he and his family were owed sufficient favors that his career would probably survive without serious damage.
But could her career have survived a $2 million quick hit at age 17 or 18?
How many careers can survive six failures in a row?
But no one doubts that Jack Nicholson's career will survive.
Harlow's career survived the scandal, but her bad luck with men continued.
Even so, there was no way that Governor Spitzer's political career could survive the exposure of his secret life.
Her career did not survive the sound era.
And Michael Douglas is that rare being - the son of a star whose career has not only survived but surpassed his father's.
Of course, I also suppose it's possible his career will survive even this, depending on who his patrons are back home.