So the campaign, known as "Human cartoons," is returning with new riddles.
Later in 1634 a political campaign for a general reform of anti-Catholic laws, known as the "Graces", was denied by the viceroy.
In the summer of 1778, the Americans began the campaign known as the Battle of Rhode Island.
Critics of Johnson point to his central role in the Discovery Institute's carefully orchestrated campaign known as the wedge strategy.
The campaign, known as "Buyelekhaya" (go back home), blamed foreigners for crime, unemployment and sexual attacks.
Starting in 1743, this began a thirty-year campaign known as the "Battle of the Booksellers".
In the late 1980s a massive campaign of civil resistance against Soviet rule, known as the Singing revolution, began.
The campaign, known as the "dirty war," lasted from 1976 to 1983.
Obama plans to make his presence in the campaign known quickly as he aims for re-election in November.
He addressed meetings in every town and village in the state, carrying on a remarkable campaign known as the "Hale Storm of 1845."