The boundary zone forming the conurbation with the city of Barcelona itself.
Cythera is close to the Hellenic arc plate boundary zone, and thus highly prone to earthquakes.
Conversely, increasing trypsin availability promoted neuronal crossing of these two boundary zones.
Although boundary zones were sacred to Dionysus, by the final days of the cult any temple could be dedicated or rededicated to him.
The Ly-cilph observed the alien mentalities cluster around the boundary zone of its identity focus.
Pacific Rim encapsulates, in three segments, a dramatic boundary zone between ocean and land.
The fort was in a boundary zone between the nations, which was not well defined; today it is about 150 km inside Ethiopia.
The community lies in the boundary zone between the Kuppenrhön and the Seulingswald ranges.
The others got their finger at the pulse of time and put their ear into niches and near boundary zones.
Between the normal water and the brine is a short (1.5 metres) boundary zone called a halocline.