We do not see inside the gas chambers, although there is a quick, blurry shot of naked people standing outside.
The image that was intended for the cover was a blurry shot of Madonna blowing smoke on her own face while holding a cigarette in her left hand.
These are interspersed with blurry shots of the sort taken by bank cameras, with the time and date inscribed in the corner.
The episode starts with a blurry shot of Topher panicked and covered in blood, repeating over and over, "I was just trying to help her."
Browse a photo album by any beginning photographer and you're likely to see blurry shots.
And the Casio often produced blurry shots in low light, even with flash enabled.
And blurry shots of Mr. Gray, photographed from behind a window shade, enhance audience identification with his visual impairment.
The ad ends with a jerky, blurry shot of Mr. Morgenthau and the words "After 30 years, it's time to hold him accountable."
What currently exists is a series of blurry shots and rumoured specs.
After the chorus, blurry shots of an entirely new area appears.