He thought it would fall $28 billion below the Fed's target for growth.
That looks like a fair assumption, but it will take time for the cost of living to fall back below the government's 2% target.
Borrowing to fund the deficit this year is now set to come in at £146 billion, below target.
He also predicted that European inflation would not decline below the bank's target of 2 percent a year for at least another 18 months.
The recovery of water charges may be below target, because:
Christian merchants refused to participate and the funds raised were well below the authorities' target.
Quantitative easing can be used to help ensure that inflation does not fall below target.
A pledge to fill 25 percent of executive jobs with women by this year is well below target, at about 15 percent.
This is an eighth of a point below the Fed's perceived target of 8 percent.
Erm and we are slightly below target on that.