This year, the first players reported to camps almost two weeks ago and exhibition games begin Thursday, with tickets increasingly hard to come by.
That begins Thursday when the Romanian currency, the leu, is devalued from 21 to 35 to the dollar.
He won't be playing in the season's first event, the Tournament of Champions, which begins Thursday with a select field.
The application begins tomorrow and Thursday, from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., weather permitting.
(The first hourlong episode of the seven-part series begins Thursday night at 9.)
Begins Thursday at 2 and 8 p.m. Opens Friday.
On the eve of the tournament's first round, which begins Thursday with 16 games across the country, Olson did have trouble remembering one fact.
The three-day meeting begins next Thursday in Lyons, France.
Begins Thursday at 1 p.m., meets weekly through October 26.
The racing begins Thursday in controversy, which is not unusual.