Japan, an economic but not a military power, is anxiously studying Chinese intentions.
You may also spend a great deal of time anxiously studying those around you for signs of approval or rejection.
The girl had stepped from curtains near a corner, and was anxiously studying faces.
"But you can grieve," Ruth said, anxiously studying his face.
IN the pilothouse, Maverick anxiously studied the digital speed indicator.
Antryg laid a gentle hand against her dripping hair, anxiously studying her face.
And twice, when he halted to breathe, he studied the way ahead anxiously.
Foulkrod Kendall, seated in his living room, was anxiously studying an evening newspaper.
"You've really not looked well, dear, all the evening, you know," she remarked, anxiously studying Lucia.
He was anxiously studying the weals he'd left with his whip.