Operational roles of Ivy Bridge College are split along instructional and administrative lines.
Kmart has Martha Stewart's Everyday, a brisk, administrative line of coordinating taste, which is expanding into furniture.
The collection of this data is limited by administrative and geopolitical lines.
It might have gone to the person, might have gone to someone in the administrative line, like a deputy chief of staff or someone like that.
Both Korean governments claim that the Military Demarcation Line (MDL) is only a temporary administrative line, not a permanent border.
The awakening of the economy in the early 1980s also brought about various opportunities in other careers, but wrought its toll on the school's administrative line up.
These territorial divisions clearly did not follow any historical or traditional internal divisions; they were simply artificial administrative lines.
The process went ahead along largely administrative and technical lines and was seen by Brussels as having to do with the acceptance of the acquis communautaire.
However, the report also states that resources should not for the present be moved from the operational to the administrative line of the Galileo allocation.
This also applies to some Parliament amendments on administrative lines, which need to be aligned with the final amounts presented in the budget lines of Section III.