After a successful run, Edwards added improvements and new ideas that helped him to complete the program and begin to apply it.
Later versions added various new improvements, but the biggest change came with version 2.80.
As more features are added to the original code base, the harder it becomes to add further improvements.
Landlords who want to add new services, improvements or equipment must get the tenant's written consent to pay the increase.
This version added various improvements, but the major change was to introduce "Opcodes".
Building owners were required to add fire escapes and other improvements that would bring them up to city safety standards.
The additional time did offer the opportunity to add improvements in instrumentation as technology further developed.
He added improvements to the environmental and renewable energy components to the law.
Since buying the house, the Kellys have added few improvements.
Some of the bigger travel sites have added improvements in recent months that make them easier to navigate.