Investigators believed the weapon could have been linked to an abortive plan to hijack the plane.
He also was a leading critic of Time Warner Cable's abortive plan to charge a tiered service rate for its high-speed Internet service.
He was in constant communication with the exiled Bolingbroke, and after 1723 the two were actively associated in abortive plans for the overthrow of Walpole.
An abortive plan was made to land these troops in Sri Lanka by submarine.
Werner could see that the war was lost and began work on an abortive plan to escape to South America.
An abortive plan had been made to rescue Singh and fellow inmates of HSRA from the jail.
An abortive plan to create a backdoor surveillance capability in encrypted communications, known as Clipper, was introduced by the Clinton administration in 1993.
Whiteway was involved in abortive plans to create a provincial branch of the Reform Party in 1994.
And privately, some Democrats said today that they believed that the Republicans' ability to bargain over the debates was diminished by Mr. Bush's abortive plan.
Yousef was also questioned about his plot to kill the pope and his abortive plan to assassinate President Clinton.