Hudema is a "climb trainer" for the Ruckus Society, and has held activist training camps which teach aspiring activists skills ranging from climbing to blockades.
During an appeal hearing, the million-dollar bail on misdemeanor charges was ruled excessive for John Sellers, the 33-year-old leader of the Ruckus Society of Berkeley, Calif.
Their support has helped foster the beginning of such groups as the Rainforest Action Network, Center for Biological Diversity and Ruckus Society.
Code Pink, with the Ruckus Society, has sponsored training camps on counter-recruitment as well as producing informational literature for use by counter-recruiters.
He has worked for Greenpeace and has volunteered for the Ruckus Society and the Rainforest Action Network.
The Ruckus Society is a member of numerous coalitions efforts, and have performed actions for Wal-Mart Watch and others.
The Ruckus Society is made up of three staff and a network of over 150 action trainers and strategists located primarily in the United States but also distributed throughout the world.
"The Ruckus Society at a Crossroads."
"Too much of this has been about tactics, getting all these groups together and keeping things moving," said John Sellers, of the Ruckus Society, based in Berkeley, Calif.
Finally, there are those who train the troops, like the Ruckus Society, which teaches nonviolent and creative confrontation techniques at camps held before demonstrations.