The two countries are continuing their strong cooperation to strengthen the legitimacy and improve the effectiveness of the International Monetary Fund, Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), and other institutions involved in global economic governance.
Both sides, in partnership with the Multilateral Development Banks, undertake to explore cooperation that supports global poverty reduction and development, and regional integration to contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
Banco de Desenvolvimento do Oeste Africano - BDOA) is an international Multilateral Development Bank established in 1973 to serve the nations of Francophone and Lusophone West Africa.
Multilateral Development Banks - (MDBs)
"Controlling Coalitions: Social Lending at the Multilateral Development Banks."
How can I find what positions Treasury takes on Multilateral Development Banks' activities?
It is important that the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) have sufficient resources to be able to provide what are known as soft loans.
Export credit agencies' underwriting of large industrial and infrastructure projects in developing countries tops several times the combined annual funding of all Multilateral Development Banks.
The two countries will continue their strong cooperation to strengthen the legitimacy and improve the effectiveness of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs).
The CTF seeks to fill a gap in the international architecture for development finance available at more concessional rates than standard terms used by the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and at a scale necessary to help provide incentives to developing countries to integrate nationally appropriate mitigation actions into sustainable development plans and investment decisions.