Despite his reservations, they persuaded him to join them at a Latin club one night.
Now that they closed down the Copa in the city, people are looking for more Latin clubs in the suburbs.
From last week's postbag; Q) Why do you think not much effort is put in advertising Latin American clubs or tournaments in Asia?
Its Latin club is also a chapter of the National Junior Classical League.
Her sister took her to local salsa and Latin American clubs.
Harriet attended Ashley Hall where she was a distinguished member of the French and Latin clubs and president the student body.
Since then, he has become a fixture at many of the city's Latin clubs, winning many dance contests, he claims.
It could take place on the dance floor of any Latin club - two people who dance to the same salsa music on different beats.
The encounter occurred two months ago in Miami, but it could have taken place on any dance floor in any Latin club these days.
I'll hit a dance spot like Twilo, then go to a funky hip-hop joint downtown like Life, then a Latin club.