A spokesman for the development council said the company was still "reviewing the situation."
One official at the development council said there were indications that the police might be working with kidnappers in some cases.
Following the abolition of the Development Council, such a budget would send a very bad signal.
In the next meeting of the Development Council we shall be reviewing progress on implementation.
It has since been led by a military government under the State Peace and Development Council.
By abolishing the Development Council, fighting poverty has become subordinate to foreign policy.
Because the Tourist Development Council can't seem to come up with a name that pleases everyone.
The generals then changed the name of their government to the State Peace and Development Council.
Losing re-election as legislator in 1973, he became president of a regional development council in his native Brittany.
Burma's current military government, the "State Peace and Development Council", has not done much to deal with these problems.