Scrub fingers and nails with a nail brush after each visit to the toilet and before each meal.
Remove stubborn marks by scrubbing lightly with a nail brush, using warm water and soap suds.
I scrubbed the stain with my nail brush but still it would not budge.
I thought I saw one long nail brush Louis's throat, but I could not be sure.
Wash under rings and fingernails; use a nail brush if necessary.
Items that can't be disinfected nail-buffer blocks, nail brushes, emery boards should be thrown away immediately after being used.
Invest a few dollars in a nail brush and use it.
Shower heads should be cleaned regularly with a nail brush; every so often use a descaler to give them a good clean.
He was allowed to scrub his hands with soap and a nail brush in cold water over a washbasin.
Scrub the Jerusalem artichokes with a nail brush to remove as much soil as possible.