"year" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

year Substantiv

Substantiv + year
Kolokacji: 232
calendar year • election year • freshman year • sophomore year • Hundred Year • rookie year • teen year • leap year • boom year • ...
4. sophomore year = drugi rok liceum lub studiów (college'u) sophomore year
6. rookie year = rok nowy rookie year
7. teen year = dla nastolatków rok teen year
8. leap year = rok przestępny (taki, w którym luty ma 29 dni) leap year
9. boom year = rok dobrej koniunktury boom year
10. school year = rok szkolny, rok akademicki (czas nauki w szkole, na uczelni) school year
12. couple year = rok pary couple year
13. glory year = rok chwały glory year
14. model year = rok modela model year
20. budget year = rok budżetowy budget year
21. tax year = rok podatkowy tax year
22. record year = rok płytowy record year
27. year of one's reign = rok z czyjś panowanie year of one's reign
29. year of one's death = rok z czyjś śmierć year of one's death
31. year of one's term = rok z czyjś termin year of one's term
33. dozen year = rok tuzina dozen year
35. anniversary year = rocznicowy rok anniversary year
38. gap year = rok przerwy przed pójściem na studia gap year
39. option year = rok opcji option year
40. Clinton year = Clinton rok Clinton year
41. Earth year = Ziemia rok Earth year
43. Thousand Year = Tysiąc Rok Thousand Year
44. student year = rok studencki student year
45. university year = rok uniwersytecki university year
46. peak year = rekordowy rok peak year
47. year of one's tenure = rok z czyjś urzędowanie year of one's tenure
49. Bush year = Bush rok Bush year
50. year of neglect = rok zaniedbania year of neglect
55. year of probation = rok nadzoru kuratorskiego year of probation
56. year of experience = rok doświadczenia year of experience
58. year of one's policy = rok z czyjś polityka year of one's policy
  • IN the past two decades - and especially since the demise of the Soviet Union - scholarly and popular opinion have come together in a rough consensus on the early years of America's postwar foreign policy.
  • Terms and conditions: The free cover offers only applies to the first year of your policy and is available on a first come first served basis.
  • The 3 months free offer only applies to the first year of your policy and only when paying monthly by direct debit, for a minimum of 12 months.
  • This was the second year of the Governor's policy to fund some districts at a far greater rate than others.
  • After eight years of Ronald Reagan's one-track policy on Central America - guns without diplomacy - the Bush Administration now boasts a no-track policy.
  • "Because this is the first year of our new promotional policy, it is very, very, very important that parents understand what is acceptable grade-level work," said Judith Rizzo, deputy chancellor for instruction.
  • He said he collected $150 from cellphone scofflaws during the first year of his policy; the money was used to buy a managers' lunch.
  • Still, about seven players a year fail the N.F.L. steroids test, a number that is comparable to the 10 players who failed baseball's steroids test in the first year of its new drug-testing policy.
  • (SK) After almost thirty years of the European Union's active policy, especially in African states, the report submitted today talks about a growth in the number of people infected with HIV/AIDS.
  • That the law emerges after a dozen years of China's policy of opening and economic restructuring, however, suggests a significant awareness of women's rights.
60. year of litigation = rok sporu sądowego year of litigation
67. year of planning = rok planowania year of planning
68. year of training = rok szkolenia year of training
72. year of practice = rok praktyki year of practice
74. opening year = rok otwarcia opening year
75. transition year = rok przejściowy transition year
79. year of effort = rok wysiłku year of effort
81. year of conflict = rok konfliktu year of conflict
82. year of debate = rok debaty year of debate
83. year of decline = rok upadku year of decline
84. twilight year = końcowy rok twilight year
87. year of peace = rok pokoju year of peace
88. year of growth = rok wzrostu year of growth
90. year of use = rok wykorzystania year of use
91. year of labor = rok pracy year of labor
92. year of football = rok piłki nożnej year of football
93. year of losses = rok strat year of losses
94. Wonder Year = Cudowny Rok Wonder Year
98. year of one's youth = rok z czyjś młodość year of one's youth
99. debut year = debiutancki rok debut year
100. year of success = rok sukcesu year of success
year + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 107
year old • Year award • year hiatus • years imprisonment • year anniversary • Year honor • year period • year contract • year term • ...
year + Verb
Kolokacji: 289
year elapses • year marks • year passes • year studying • year ending • year teaches • year preceding • year leads • year spends • ...
Verb + year
Kolokacji: 1082
year passed • year followed • year left • year gone • hold for several years • remain for several years • win in several years • ...
Adjektiv + year
Kolokacji: 285
recent year • past year • following year • early year • previous year • fiscal year • later year • consecutive year • senior year • ...
Präposition + year
Kolokacji: 55
per year • despite years • at several years • that year • under several years • ...

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