"write" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

write Verb

write + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 357
write songs • write articles • write novels • write poems • write lyrics • write poetry • write essays • write fiction • write verse • ...
Verb + write
Kolokacji: 88
begin writing • start writing • stop writing • finish writing • teach write • help write • continue writing • learn write • ...
write + Präposition
Kolokacji: 74
write about • write down • write off • write out • write up • ...
(1) about, down, off, out, up, ...
Kolokacji: 14
1. write despite = pisać pomimo write despite
2. write because = pisać ponieważ write because
3. write regarding = pisać w związku z write regarding
5. write down for = zapisywać dla write down for
6. write towards = pisać w kierunku write towards
7. write till = napisz kasę sklepową write till
8. write via = pisać przez write via
9. write toward = pisać w kierunku write toward
10. write amongst = pisać wśród write amongst
11. written beside = napisany obok written beside
12. write beyond = napisz dalej write beyond
13. write outside = napisz na zewnątrz write outside
14. write behind = napisz z tyłu write behind
15. write out with = sporządzać z write out with
  • Long corrections she wrote out on her typewriter, with catch-words to indicate where they belonged.
  • He prescribed a lengthy series of adjustments, writing out his diagnosis with a fountain pen.
  • Just wrote it out with my soul sisters @Jessicaveronica @axlll @IlseyJ.
  • They may be saying that they can write it out only in fire and blood with their own limbs.
  • I would have to spend another night writing it out again with the aid of a mirror.
  • The new investors seemed reluctant to write out a cheque with the word Moonpig in it.
  • Before the week was out, the two were writing out the play together, with helpful and unhelpful remarks from the other members of the class.
  • Kagan said nothing at all and just went on writing out invoices with his indelible pencil.
  • Roosevelt's planchette form is writing out "Victory" over the two factions with the planchette's pencil.
  • Nowhere is it said that Allen wrote out his orders with a pencil.
16. written underneath = napisany spód written underneath
17. write off from = pisać z prośbą z write off from
18. written amidst = napisany wśród written amidst
write + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 232
originally written • written extensively • once write • written specifically • write regularly • write frequently • beautifully written • ...

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