"worker" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

worker Substantiv

Substantiv + worker
Kolokacji: 211
construction worker • factory worker • office worker • aid worker • farm worker • relief worker • rescue worker • maintenance worker • ...
worker + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 55
Transport Workers Union • United Automobile Workers union • Socialist Workers Party • Workers Party • worker right • ...
worker + Verb
Kolokacji: 244
worker earns • worker receives • worker pays • worker begins • worker loses • worker uses • worker finds • worker works • ...
Verb + worker
Kolokacji: 137
hire workers • protect workers • organize workers • train workers • allow workers • represent workers • require workers • help workers • ...
3. organize workers = zorganizuj robotników organize workers
4. train workers = robotnicy kolejowi train workers
5. allow workers = pozwól robotnikom allow workers
8. help workers = robotnicy pomocy help workers
11. send workers = wyślij robotników send workers
12. tell workers = powiedz robotnikom tell workers
15. find workers = znajdź robotnicy find workers
16. house workers = robotnicy domu house workers
17. use workers = robotnicy wykorzystania use workers
18. attract workers = przyciągnij robotników attract workers
19. provide to workers = dostarcz do robotników provide to workers
20. provide workers = dostarcz robotnikom provide workers
22. need workers = robotnicy potrzeby need workers
23. keep workers = zatrzymaj robotników keep workers
24. recruit workers = robotnicy nowego pracownika recruit workers
26. affect workers = wpłyń na robotników affect workers
27. replace workers = zwolnij robotników replace workers
28. bring workers = zabierz robotników bring workers
30. add workers = dodaj robotników add workers
33. see workers = zobacz robotnicy see workers
34. ask workers = zapytaj robotników ask workers
35. employ about several workers = zatrudnienie o kilku robotnikach employ about several workers
36. worker assigned = robotnik przydzielił worker assigned
37. encourage workers = zachęcaj robotników encourage workers
39. leave workers = robotnicy zwolnienia leave workers
40. exploit workers = wykorzystaj robotników exploit workers
41. call workers = robotnicy rozmowy telefonicznej call workers
42. worker is given = robotnik jest dany worker is given
43. get workers = sprowadzeni robotnicy get workers
44. put workers = wysłani robotnicy put workers
  • What can be done is to put workers on a 3-day week but with no reduction of their wages.
  • Putting workers together with jobs ought to be a top priority at all levels of government.
  • The key to growth is putting skilled workers together with state-of-the-art equipment.
  • And the company put workers on alert: In the future, they will be subject to random testing.
  • What's not clear, yet, is whether the government will force companies to put workers on remuneration committees.
  • It is us who are putting British workers out of work - we simply refuse to do without our toys.
  • And he put social workers on the staff to try to insure that children and their families received needed services.
  • It also puts illegal workers themselves at great risk.
  • A bill to put workers back on the job while rebuilding and modernizing America.
  • "You must put workers in a position to earn higher salaries."
45. support workers = robotnicy wsparcia support workers
47. make workers = marki robotnicy make workers
Adjektiv + worker
Kolokacji: 293
social worker • skilled worker • foreign worker • postal worker • hard worker • blue-collar worker • temporary worker • striking worker • ...
Präposition + worker
Kolokacji: 23
among workers • between workers • for workers • of workers • including workers • ...

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