"widely" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

widely Adverb

Verb + widely
Kolokacji: 242
widely used • vary widely • widely regarded • widely considered • widely believed • widely recognized • widely accepted • ...
widely + Adjektiv
Kolokacji: 32
widely available • widely popular • widely separated • widely different • widely used • widely respected • widely divergent • ...
2. widely popular = powszechnie popularny widely popular
  • His novels and short stories continue to be widely popular.
  • The idea that public housing residents give back something to their community has been widely popular for some time in Washington.
  • Despite losing by 5-1, that game meant the beginning of the club which was later to become widely popular.
  • It was made widely popular by computer games like Doom.
  • But that was before computers and video games became widely popular.
  • He was widely popular in Europe into the late 1960s.
  • Television, music and books from Germany are widely popular in the community.
  • The game became widely popular in the 1980s and early 1990s.
  • Under his control the magazine, which was mainly of a religious character, became widely popular.
  • Picked up by dance shows across the country, it became widely popular.
3. widely separated = powszechnie podzielony widely separated
5. widely used = popularny, powszechnie stosowany, widely used
6. widely respected = powszechnie szanowany widely respected
7. widely divergent = powszechnie rozbieżny widely divergent
8. widely influential = powszechnie istotny widely influential
9. widely dispersed = powszechnie rozproszony widely dispersed
10. widely accessible = powszechnie dostępny widely accessible

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