"watch" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

watch Verb

watch + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 244
watch television • watch movies • watch TV • watch videos • watch football • watch clips • watch events • watch birds • watch people • ...
Verb + watch
Kolokacji: 73
stand watching • sit watching • enjoy watching • love watching • stop watching • keep watching • start watching • remember watching • ...
watch + Präposition
Kolokacji: 56
watch out • watch over • watch from • watch through • watch for • ...
watch + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 115
closely watch • watch carefully • watch helplessly • watch intently • watch silently • watch anxiously • most watch • simply watch • ...
2. watch intently = obserwować uważnie, uważnie się przyglądać watch intently
3. widely watched = powszechnie obejrzany widely watched
4. watch together = popatrz razem watch together
5. once watch = kiedyś popatrz once watch
7. watch attentively = popatrz uważnie watch attentively
8. watch passively = popatrz biernie watch passively
10. later watch = później popatrz later watch
11. watch breathlessly = popatrz bez tchu watch breathlessly
12. watch expectantly = popatrz niecierpliwie watch expectantly
13. watch approvingly = popatrz z aprobatą watch approvingly
14. watch dispassionately = popatrz obiektywnie watch dispassionately
15. absently watch = z roztargnieniem popatrz absently watch
16. watch numbly = popatrz tępo watch numbly
17. watch alone = popatrz w pojedynkę watch alone
18. watch nearby = popatrz blisko watch nearby
19. watch admiringly = popatrz z podziwem watch admiringly
20. keenly watch = żywo popatrz keenly watch
21. watch spellbound = zegarek oczarowany watch spellbound
22. watch grimly = popatrz ponuro watch grimly
23. watch hungrily = popatrz łapczywie watch hungrily
24. watch appreciatively = popatrz z zachwytem watch appreciatively
25. watch ahead = popatrz naprzód watch ahead
26. simultaneously watch = jednocześnie popatrz simultaneously watch
27. obsessively watch = obsesyjnie patrzyć obsessively watch
28. watch longingly = popatrz tęsknie watch longingly
29. dutifully watch = sumiennie popatrz dutifully watch
  • His wife watches over him dutifully, and stops a snake from biting the prince in his sleep.
  • Assigned to protect the force flagship, Ammen took no part in the festivities but watched dutifully for the intrusion of enemy aircraft and submarines.
  • From atop our cushions we dutifully watched the television, while the assembly of villagers watched us watching the television.
  • He dutifully watched as Sidney absently scanned the streets below.
  • Kim Toy fell silent and dutifully watched the program with the girl.
  • Taya lifted her arms and twirled through a circle while the robot watched dutifully.
  • David dutifully watched, dazzled as usual by the speed and precision of her system control.
  • Ms. Kelly dutifully watches everyone work without having anything special to ask her interviewees (though a few, like the actor Michael Parks, are unexpectedly eloquent anyway).
  • At night he dutifully watched television with his mother.
  • From this station, the "Caretaker" dutifully watched over the Ocampa, supplying every need and protecting them from every danger.
30. watch bitterly = popatrz gorzko watch bitterly
31. watch forlornly = popatrz ze smutkiem watch forlornly
32. watch benignly = popatrz łagodnie watch benignly
(5) most, literally
Kolokacji: 2
(6) simply, merely
Kolokacji: 2
(8) better
Kolokacji: 2
(9) quietly, placidly
Kolokacji: 2
(10) nervously, tensely
Kolokacji: 2
(12) warily, vigilantly
Kolokacji: 2
(13) idly, lazily
Kolokacji: 2
(14) eagerly, avidly
Kolokacji: 2
(17) calmly, casually, coolly
Kolokacji: 3
(22) proudly, respectfully
Kolokacji: 2
(23) enviously, jealously
Kolokacji: 2
(24) thoughtfully, bemusedly
Kolokacji: 2
(26) glumly, sullenly, morosely
Kolokacji: 3
(27) solemnly, gloomily, somberly
Kolokacji: 3
(28) raptly, gleefully, contentedly
Kolokacji: 3
(29) occasionally, frequently
Kolokacji: 2
(30) repeatedly, continually
Kolokacji: 2

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