"vary" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

vary Verb

vary + Präposition
Kolokacji: 27
vary from • vary between • vary among • vary across • vary throughout • ...
vary + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 65
vary widely • vary greatly • vary considerably • vary significantly • vary slightly • vary wildly • vary somewhat • vary enormously • ...
1. vary widely = różnij się powszechnie vary widely
2. vary greatly = bardzo się różnij vary greatly
4. vary slightly = różnij się nieznacznie vary slightly
6. vary wildly = różnij się lekkomyślnie vary wildly
7. vary somewhat = różnij się nieco vary somewhat
  • The structure of the leaves varies somewhat between these groups.
  • The proof will vary somewhat but generally is around 44.
  • The rates of success have varied somewhat by study but seem to cluster around 70%.
  • This varies somewhat with the fuel, but is generally close to the air value of 1.4.
  • The numbers and the age of the deceased vary somewhat between the two main sources.
  • Reports on the extent of this project tend to vary somewhat.
  • The accounts of how he came to power vary somewhat in minor points.
  • The ratio of death to combat may have varied somewhat at different times.
  • Tolerance to sleep loss varies somewhat with the age of the subject.
  • Those figures vary somewhat from the official account provided last April.
8. vary enormously = różnij się ogromnie vary enormously
10. vary dramatically = różnij się dramatycznie vary dramatically
11. vary tremendously = różnij się ogromnie vary tremendously

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