"valuable" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

valuable Adjektiv

valuable + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 210
valuable player • valuable information • valuable asset • valuable resource • valuable lesson • valuable contribution • valuable service • ...
1. valuable player = nieoceniony gracz valuable player
3. valuable asset = cenny atut valuable asset
5. valuable lesson = cenna lekcja valuable lesson
7. valuable experience = cenne doświadczenie valuable experience
9. valuable tool = cenne narzędzie valuable tool
10. valuable source = wartościowe źródło valuable source
11. valuable insight = cenna przenikliwość valuable insight
13. valuable item = cenna rzecz valuable item
14. valuable property = cenna właściwość valuable property
15. valuable piece = cenny kawałek valuable piece
16. valuable thing = cenna rzecz valuable thing
17. valuable time = cenny czas valuable time
  • Having to find the right number after a crisis could use up valuable time.
  • His Grace's security system had already cost him too much valuable time.
  • You're taking up valuable time, here, making me tell you all over again.
  • However, it was all at the cost of valuable time.
  • He couldn't waste all his valuable time playing my games if I wasn't going to show up.
  • I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your valuable time and support.
  • Never gave a minute of his valuable time to those beautiful girls, either.
  • He looked at his watch as though I was using up valuable time.
  • You have so many other demands on your valuable time.
  • They couldn't slow down because the whole point of this short cut was to make up valuable lost time.
18. valuable collection = cenne kolekcjonowanie valuable collection
19. valuable part = cenna część valuable part
20. valuable work = cenna praca valuable work
21. valuable material = cenny materiał valuable material
22. valuable player award = cenna nagroda gracza valuable player award
23. valuable addition = cenne dodanie valuable addition
24. valuable book = cenna książka valuable book
25. valuable data = cenne dane valuable data
26. valuable member = nieoceniony członek valuable member
27. valuable ally = nieoceniony sojusznik valuable ally
28. valuable cargo = cenny ładunek valuable cargo
29. valuable possession = cenna własność valuable possession
30. valuable skill = cenna biegłość valuable skill
31. valuable document = cenny dokument valuable document
32. valuable object = cenny przedmiot valuable object
33. valuable estate = cenny majątek valuable estate
34. valuable land = cenna ziemia valuable land
36. valuable role = cenna rola valuable role
37. valuable space = cenna przestrzeń valuable space
38. valuable holiday tip = cenna wskazówka turystyczna valuable holiday tip
40. valuable opportunity = cenna możliwość valuable opportunity
41. valuable intelligence = cenna inteligencja valuable intelligence
42. valuable advice = cenna rada valuable advice
43. valuable gift = cenny dar valuable gift
44. valuable artifact = cenny przedmiot valuable artifact
Verb + valuable
Kolokacji: 7
prove valuable • consider valuable • become valuable • deem valuable • find valuable • ...
Adverb + valuable
Kolokacji: 32
most valuable • extremely valuable • particularly valuable • especially valuable • potentially valuable • ...
valuable + Präposition
Kolokacji: 6
valuable to • valuable for • valuable in • valuable of • valuable on • ...

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