"travel" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

travel Verb

travel + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 3
way to travel • ability to travel • opportunity to travel
Verb + travel
Kolokacji: 45
begin traveling • plan to travel • allow to travel • decide to travel • continue to travel • want to travel • like to travel • need to travel • ...
travel + Präposition
Kolokacji: 63
travel to • travel through • travel around • travel across • travel throughout • travel along • travel down • travel up • ...
travel + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 126
travel extensively • travel abroad • travel far • travel widely • travel together • travel alone • travel fast • travel frequently • ...
7. later travel = później podróżuj later travel
8. travel safely = podróżuj bezpiecznie travel safely
9. once travel = kiedyś podróżuj once travel
10. travel twice = podróżuj dwa razy travel twice
11. travel incognito = incognito turystyczne travel incognito
12. travel westward = podróżuj na zachód travel westward
13. travel eastward = podróżuj na wschód travel eastward
14. travel halfway = podróżuj w połowie drogi travel halfway
15. travel urgently = podróżuj pilnie travel urgently
16. travel about = podróż około travel about
17. travel inland = podróż w głąb lądu travel inland
18. normally travel = zwykle podróżuj normally travel
19. travel secretly = podróżuj potajemnie travel secretly
20. routinely travel = rutynowo podróżuj routinely travel
21. travel early = podróżuj wcześnie travel early
22. personally travel = osobiście podróżuj personally travel
23. travel repeatedly = podróżuj ciągle travel repeatedly
24. travel downhill = podróżuj w dół travel downhill
25. travel sideways = podróżuj w bok travel sideways
26. travel eastbound = podróż prowadzący na wschód travel eastbound
27. travel underground = metro turystyczne travel underground
28. travel locally = podróżuj w okolicy travel locally
29. travel cheaply = podróżuj tanio travel cheaply
30. allegedly travel = rzekomo podróżuj allegedly travel
31. travel undetected = podróżuj niepostrzeżenie travel undetected
32. travel hopefully = podróżuj przy odrobinie szczęścia travel hopefully
33. supposedly travel = ponoć podróżuj supposedly travel
34. travel anonymously = podróżuj anonimowo travel anonymously
35. travel diagonally = podróżuj ukośnie travel diagonally
36. travel tirelessly = podróżuj niestrudzenie travel tirelessly
37. travel outwards = podróż na zewnątrz travel outwards
38. travel indefinitely = podróżuj na czas nieokreślony travel indefinitely
39. travel laterally = podróżuj na boki travel laterally
40. travel aimlessly = podróżuj bez celu travel aimlessly
41. travel hither = podróżuj tutaj travel hither
  • Quoth the King to the Prince, "Whence comest thou, and what is thy name and trade, and why hast thou traveled hither?"
  • You yourself saw them both traveling hither.
  • Most insist that they are traveling hither and yonder simply to campaign and raise money for Congressional and state and local candidates.
  • An archpriest, His Sanctity Krastokles, is traveling hither with rich gifts and the blessing of Styphon.
  • Amongst other creatures there were elephants in plenty that travelled hither out of the bushlands we had passed, or sometimes emerged from the desert itself, suggesting that beyond this waste there lay fertile country.
  • But still, as the needle travelled hither and thither through the seams of the dress, the mother made her toil light and happy by listening to the airy voices of Violet and Peony.
  • Bickley, if you were wiser than you think you are, you would know that all things to come are born elsewhere and travel hither like the light from stars.
  • We just travel hither and yon to keep starting these groups.
  • Then Abivard explained: "My own bride will soon be traveling hither.
  • His three H-O gauge trains were all in motion at once on his H-O gauge track, traveling hither and yon around the basement.
42. travel restlessly = podróżuj niespokojnie travel restlessly
(3) alone, exclusively
Kolokacji: 2
(4) frequently, occasionally
Kolokacji: 2
(5) regularly, steadily
Kolokacji: 2
(13) eventually, finally
Kolokacji: 2
(14) forward, onward
Kolokacji: 2
(15) northward, northwards
Kolokacji: 2
(16) before, ahead
Kolokacji: 2
(17) backward, backwards
Kolokacji: 2
(18) daily, annually
Kolokacji: 2
(20) upward, downward, upwards
Kolokacji: 3
(21) upstream, downstream
Kolokacji: 2
(22) mainly, initially
Kolokacji: 2
(23) southward, southbound
Kolokacji: 2
(24) nationally, domestically
Kolokacji: 2
(25) unaccompanied, solo
Kolokacji: 2
(26) accidentally, due
Kolokacji: 2
(27) legally, illegally
Kolokacji: 2
(29) shortly, briefly
Kolokacji: 2

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