"taste" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

taste Substantiv

Substantiv + taste
Kolokacji: 19
food taste • taste of blood • consumer taste • taste of one's medicine • audience taste • ...
taste + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 13
taste bud • taste test • taste sensation • taste maker • taste receptor • ...
taste + Verb
Kolokacji: 34
taste runs • taste changes • taste comes • taste makes • taste varies • ...
1. taste runs = smak biegnie taste runs
3. taste comes = smak przychodzi taste comes
4. taste makes = smak robi taste makes
5. taste goes = smak idzie taste goes
6. taste evolves = smak rozwija taste evolves
7. taste ranges = zakresy smaku taste ranges
8. taste shifts = zmiany smaku taste shifts
9. taste leads = smak prowadzi taste leads
10. Taste adjusts = Smak reguluje Taste adjusts
11. taste leaves = liście smaku taste leaves
12. taste grows = smak rośnie taste grows
13. Taste adds = Smak dodaje Taste adds
14. taste rises = smak wzrasta taste rises
15. taste gives = smak daje taste gives
16. taste brings = smak przynosi taste brings
  • The taste was too strong, and brought the memories of martyred animals into her mind.
  • If it hadn't been for my job as a sheriff's officer, however, I would never have got a taste of the rush police work could bring.
  • The taste, the crispness, brought him back to his arms training in the outback, The unit lived on these things there.
  • The flat taste of my own skin brought me back to myself.
  • The bitter lemon taste brought a sense of calm, even security.
  • Even without Rum, what memories the taste of salt and cordage brought back!
  • Indeed before now this taste had brought him into conflict with the local magistrates.
  • Each taste brought on further hunger for it.
  • 'Not my taste, of course, but it does bring in the visitors.'
  • He had forgotten the power only the taste of blood could bring.
17. taste extends = smak poszerza taste extends
18. taste sours = smak zatruwa taste sours
19. taste matures = smak dojrzewa taste matures
(2) vary, differ
Kolokacji: 2
(3) fill, flood, overwhelm
Kolokacji: 3
(5) influence, prevail
Kolokacji: 2
(6) dictate, remind
Kolokacji: 2
Verb + taste
Kolokacji: 40
lose one's taste • suit one's taste • develop a taste • share one's taste • get a taste • acquire a taste • reflect the tastes • like the taste • ...
Adjektiv + taste
Kolokacji: 190
good taste • bad taste • bitter taste • musical taste • sweet taste • sour taste • personal taste • poor taste • different taste • ...

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