"sweep" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

sweep Verb

sweep + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 23
sweep one's hand • sweep one's arm • sweep the floor • sweep the country • sweep the series • ...
Verb + sweep
Kolokacji: 3
begin sweeping • start sweeping • finished sweeping
sweep + Präposition
Kolokacji: 46
sweep up • sweep through • sweep into • sweep over • sweep across • sweep down • sweep out • sweep off • ...
1. sweep through = zamieć całkowicie sweep through
2. sweep into = zamiatać do sweep into
3. sweep up = zamiatać, sprzątać sweep up
5. sweep across = zamieć wszerz sweep across
6. sweep down = zamieć w dół sweep down
7. swept under = zamieciony poniżej swept under
8. sweep past = zamiatanie przeszłość sweep past
9. sweep out = wymiatać, wymieść, zamiatać sweep out
10. sweep around = zamieć wokół sweep around
11. sweep toward = zamiatać w kierunku sweep toward
13. sweep off = zmieść sweep off
14. sweep by = zamiatać przez sweep by
15. sweep from = zamiatać z sweep from
16. sweep to = zamiatać aby sweep to
17. sweep in = wkroczyć żwawo do danego miejsca sweep in
18. sweep with = zamiatać z sweep with
19. sweep for = zamiatać dla sweep for
20. sweep on = zamiatać na sweep on
21. sweep at = zamiatać przy sweep at
22. sweep before = zamieć wcześniej sweep before
23. swept up in = zamieciony w swept up in
25. sweep after = zamieć potem sweep after
26. sweep during = zamiatać podczas sweep during
27. sweep of = zamiatać z sweep of
28. sweep towards = zamiatać w kierunku sweep towards
  • Then I saw the flashlight beam sweeping back towards us.
  • For what seemed like years, the waves swept him towards the coast.
  • She swept on towards the lad, who stood like a stone to meet her.
  • He stepped from around the chair and swept a low bow towards me.
  • And he ducked into the car, which swept silently away towards the city.
  • Turning, she swept towards the door using her best glide.
  • They were sweeping with the speed of the wind itself towards the sea.
  • Her sword swept towards his head and he jumped back, but she followed him in.
  • Jack thought, in the moment before the cavalry swept towards him.
  • The storm swept on towards the north, the rain dying away.
29. sweep against = zamiatać przeciwko sweep against
30. sweep onto = zamiatać na sweep onto
sweep + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 50
swept away • swept aside • sweep clean • sweep forward • quickly sweep • ...

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