"sum" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

sum Substantiv

Substantiv + sum
Kolokacji: 19
lump sum • sum of one's parts • sum of money • sum of several dollars • sum of cash • ...
sum + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 11
sum total • lump sum payment • sum game • sum equivalent • sum restaurant • ...
sum + Verb
Kolokacji: 21
multiplied by the sum • sum exceeds • sum equals • sum includes • sum represents • ...
Verb + sum
Kolokacji: 40
spend sums • raise sums • invest sums • donate sums • make sums • ...
Adjektiv + sum
Kolokacji: 108
large sum • huge sum • undisclosed sum • small sum • considerable sum • substantial sum • vast sum • enormous sum • dim sum • ...
1. large sum = duża kwota large sum
2. huge sum = olbrzymia suma huge sum
3. undisclosed sum = nieujawniona suma undisclosed sum
4. small sum = niewielka kwota small sum
5. considerable sum = znaczna kwota considerable sum
  • Around £500 was spent on the work, a substantial sum.
  • He is, after all, about to come into a substantial sum of money.
  • I've also left a substantial sum in trust for you at the church.
  • I think this system could save the Government very substantial sums of money.
  • A fund drive was held, and in less than two weeks it raised $2 million, then a substantial sum.
  • "But the business has been losing substantial sums of money for the last three years."
  • So the Republicans have spent substantial sums raising still more money.
  • Will started with a list of a hundred men and women who'd given substantial sums to the party in the past during his elections.
  • The girl tipped you off to the fact that the old woman had a substantial sum of money.
  • To save myself that trouble, I am willing to pay you a substantial sum.
7. vast sum = ogromna suma vast sum
9. dim sum = zestaw pierożków na parze (w kuchni chińskiej) dim sum
10. great sum = znaczna suma great sum
11. significant sum = znaczna suma significant sum
12. tidy sum = ładna sumka tidy sum
13. total sum = łączna kwota total sum
14. modest sum = skromna suma modest sum
15. princely sum = duża kwota pieniędzy princely sum
16. certain sum = pewna suma certain sum
17. direct sum = suma prosta direct sum
18. hefty sum = ogromna suma hefty sum
19. nominal sum = suma nominalna nominal sum
20. paltry sum = drobna suma paltry sum
Präposition + sum
Kolokacji: 8
in sum • about sums • to the sum • for a sum • of the sum • ...

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