"subject" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

subject Substantiv

Substantiv + subject
Kolokacji: 55
test subject • core subject • interview subject • science subject • subject of speculation • subject of controversy • subject of debate • ...
subject + Verb
Kolokacji: 66
subject ranging • subject includes • subject comes • subject comes up • subject teaches • ...
Verb + subject
Kolokacji: 77
teach subjects • study subjects • choose subjects • cover subjects • tackle subjects • take subjects • include subjects • ...
Adjektiv + subject
Kolokacji: 257
human subject • favorite subject • academic subject • particular subject • controversial subject • main subject • British subject • ...
2. favorite subject = temat ulubieńca favorite subject
3. academic subject = temat akademicki academic subject
4. particular subject = szczególny temat particular subject
5. controversial subject = kontrowersyjny temat controversial subject
7. main subject = przedmiot kierunkowy main subject
8. popular subject = popularny temat popular subject
9. historical subject = historyczny temat historical subject
10. related subject = powiązany temat related subject
12. short subject = film krótkometrażowy często pokazywany przed filmem długometrażowym short subject
13. religious subject = religijny temat religious subject
15. loyal subject = lojalny temat loyal subject
16. new subject = nowy temat new subject
17. sensitive subject = drażliwy temat sensitive subject
18. taboo subject = temat tabu taboo subject
  • Does your society even discuss rape, or is it a taboo subject?
  • Lack of money is equally a taboo subject on a first date.
  • Homosexuality was, of course, then a more taboo subject on American television that it is now.
  • This is an example of what I call an absolutely taboo subject.
  • Is suicide a taboo subject in your community or country?
  • Homosexuality in English football is sometimes said to be a taboo subject by both players and the media.
  • Politics is a taboo subject between the parents and the son, she said, because he gets enough of that from the press.
  • There cannot be any taboo subjects in the European debate.
  • But that is currently a taboo subject in Europe's institutions.
  • We hear from one mother who talks about the taboo subject.
20. specific subject = określony temat specific subject
21. whole subject = cały temat whole subject
23. serious subject = poważny temat serious subject
25. touchy subject = delikatny temat touchy subject
26. real subject = rzeczywisty temat real subject
27. major subject = główny temat major subject
29. traditional subject = tradycyjny temat traditional subject
30. technical subject = techniczny temat technical subject
31. political subject = polityczny temat political subject
32. interesting subject = interesujący temat interesting subject
33. healthy subject = zdrowy temat healthy subject
34. frequent subject = częsty temat frequent subject
35. single subject = podmiot nierozwinięty single subject
36. good subject = dobry temat good subject
37. favourite subject = ulubiony temat favourite subject
38. common subject = wspólny temat common subject
39. experimental subject = przedmiot doświadczenia experimental subject
40. following subject = przestrzegając tematu following subject
41. primary subject = główny temat primary subject
42. only subject = jedyny przedmiot only subject
43. general subject = ogólny przedmiot general subject
44. normal subject = normalny temat normal subject
45. delicate subject = delikatny temat delicate subject
46. similar subject = podobny temat similar subject
47. literary subject = literacki temat literary subject
48. mythological subject = mitologiczny temat mythological subject
Präposition + subject
Kolokacji: 26
between subjects • among subjects • of subjects • by subject • for subjects • ...

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