"store" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

store Verb

store + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 96
store data • store information • store energy • store food • store one's brand • store water • store amounts • store waste • store files • ...
Verb + store
Kolokacji: 6
used to store • allow to store • need to store • begin storing • suggest storing • ...
store + Präposition
Kolokacji: 38
store up • stored under • stored in • stored within • stored on • ...
(1) up, under, in, within, on, ...
Kolokacji: 12
1. stored below = przechowany poniżej stored below
2. store up to = sklep do store up to
3. stored since = przechowany od tej pory stored since
4. store of = przechowywać z store of
  • Program mode allows storing of commands, while Back removes the last command entered.
  • Therefore, the gathering, storing and processing of information using databases can give you a distinct advantage.
  • Written language remained essential for the recording and storing of thought.
  • Computers are used for storing and analysis of recorded sounds.
  • One area of research is in developing ways to store much of the gas, perhaps underground or in the sea.
  • Non-removable media cannot be shared, sent or stored separately of the camcorder.
  • Its daily service provides great flexibility for storing of future shipments.
  • One gigabyte is enough room to store 250,000 pages of text, 200 songs or about a thousand photos.
  • It's very dangerous to store so much of our nation's vaccine supply in one facility.
  • Such systems have greatly improved the scanning and storing of original documents.
5. store aboard = sklep na pokładzie store aboard
6. stored through = przechowany całkowicie stored through
7. stored outside = przechowany na zewnątrz stored outside
8. stored above = przechowany wyżej stored above
9. stored throughout = przechowany przez cały czas stored throughout
10. stored against = przechowany przeciwko stored against
11. stored including = przechowany w tym stored including
12. stored between = przechowany pośrodku stored between
13. stored alongside = przechowany wzdłuż stored alongside
14. stored underneath = przechowany spód stored underneath
store + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 41
stored away • safely stored • temporarily stored • properly stored • stored separately • ...

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