"state" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

state Substantiv

Substantiv + state
Kolokacji: 345
United State • Ohio State • Washington State • Michigan State • Florida State • California State • Pennsylvania State • Oregon State • ...
state + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 930
State Department • State Legislature • State University • state law • state highway • State Senate • state agency • state senator • ...
state + Verb
Kolokacji: 416
state ratifies • state bans • state enacts • state requires • state imposes • state adopts • state regulates • state faces • state plans • ...
6. state bans = zakazy państwowe state bans
12. state fails = oceny niedostateczne państwowe state fails
13. state grants = dotacje stanowe state grants
18. state issues = kwestie państwowe state issues
19. state controls = kontrole państwa state controls
26. state follows = stan następuje state follows
28. state exists = stan istnieje state exists
29. state meets = stan spotyka state meets
  • In 1892, the state created the town school district system.
  • All 50 states have created 529 plans or are developing them.
  • The state must now create a plan for restoring local control.
  • As a result, the state created a series of financial incentives to get them to do so.
  • But the state has created thousands of community service jobs and pledged services, like child care, to all who need them.
  • The state also created a bipartisan task force to study the issue.
  • Nine other states created more jobs in the same period, and 16 had job growth rates greater than Massachusetts' 18 percent.
  • "The state has created a tax structure that is not competitive," he said.
  • Under the plan, the state created 183 education districts closely following county lines.
  • The state created the board in 1984, when the city was on the verge of bankruptcy.
36. state runs = stan przebiega state runs
41. state files = akta państwowe state files
45. state raises = stan podnosi state raises
46. state argues = stan sprzecza się state argues
51. state buys = stan kupuje state buys
52. state sets = stan umieszcza state sets
54. state changes = zmiany państwowe state changes
59. state permits = zezwolenia państwowe state permits
60. state shows = stan wykaże state shows
62. state forms = formy państwowe state forms
63. state expects = stan oczekuje state expects
64. state brings = stan przynosi state brings
66. state votes = głosy państwowe state votes
67. state affords = stan pozwoli sobie state affords
68. state suffers = stan cierpi state suffers
69. state shares = akcje stanowe state shares
70. state collects = kolekty państwowe state collects
71. state denies = stan zaprzecza state denies
72. state cuts = cięcia państwowe state cuts
73. state places = miejsca państwowe state places
74. state assumes = stan przypuszcza state assumes
75. state seems = stan wydaje się state seems
76. state gains = zyski stanowe state gains
79. United State withdraws = Zjednoczone państwo wycofuje United State withdraws
80. state turns = stan zmienia się state turns
81. state determines = stan określa state determines
82. state experiences = doświadczenia stanowe state experiences
88. state knows = stan wie state knows
91. United State opposes = Zjednoczone państwo sprzeciwia się United State opposes
92. United State responds = Zjednoczone państwo odpowiada United State responds
93. state sues = stan pozywa state sues
94. United State agrees = Zjednoczone państwo zgadza się United State agrees
95. United State wins = Zjednoczone państwo wygrywa United State wins
96. United State needs = Zjednoczone państwo potrzebuje United State needs
98. United State sends = Zjednoczone państwo wysyła United State sends
Verb + state
Kolokacji: 399
state called • return to the United States • come to the United States • move to the United States • live in the United States • ...
Adjektiv + state
Kolokacji: 649
southern state • independent state • mental state • Palestinian state • sovereign state • Jewish state • emotional state • princely state • ...
Präposition + state
Kolokacji: 48
such as the United States • outside of the United States • on behalf of the United States • along with the United States • ...

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