"state" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

state Substantiv

Substantiv + state
Kolokacji: 345
United State • Ohio State • Washington State • Michigan State • Florida State • California State • Pennsylvania State • Oregon State • ...
state + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 930
State Department • State Legislature • State University • state law • state highway • State Senate • state agency • state senator • ...
state + Verb
Kolokacji: 416
state ratifies • state bans • state enacts • state requires • state imposes • state adopts • state regulates • state faces • state plans • ...
Verb + state
Kolokacji: 399
state called • return to the United States • come to the United States • move to the United States • live in the United States • ...
(2) return, revert, fall
Kolokacji: 5
(5) live, exist, survive
Kolokacji: 3
(9) emigrate, immigrate, migrate
Kolokacji: 3
2. admit as a state = przyznaj się/przyznawać się jako stan admit as a state
3. include in the United States = obejmuj w Stanach Zjednoczonych include in the United States
4. carry the state = odnieś zwycięstwo wyborcze w stanie carry the state
5. include from the United States = obejmuj ze Stanów Zjednoczonych include from the United States
6. own in the United States = posiadaj w Stanach Zjednoczonych own in the United States
7. contain several states = zawieraj kilka stanów contain several states
8. state owned = stan posiadał state owned
9. United State is held = Zjednoczone państwo odbywa się United State is held
12. carry in the United States = nieś w Stanach Zjednoczonych carry in the United States
13. contain for each state = zawieraj dla każdego stanu contain for each state
14. admit to the United States = przyznaj się/przyznawać się Stanom Zjednoczonym admit to the United States
15. include for states = obejmuj dla stanów include for states
  • Includes Federal partnership programs links for states, city management, counties, legislatures, governors, cities, and mayors.
  • The Lieberman-Bayh program also included financial rewards for states that raised student achievement, and sanctions for those that failed.
  • Cost information states submitted to DHS does not include all costs for states and localities during the Code Orange alert periods.
  • This included separate bubbles for different states of mind (drunkenness, etc.), for echoes, and a special class of bubbles for one single floating apparition.
  • Mr. Voinovich said the House bill "does not include sufficient protections for states in the event of an economic downturn."
  • In addition, the overhaul package includes additional money for states to review unreasonable increases in insurance rates.
  • The websites includes federal partnership programs links for states, city management, counties, legislatures, governors, cities, and mayors, as well as a network of links to federal government information services.
  • "I asked the governors to help me work with members on both sides of the aisle to pass an education reform package that will include more flexibility for states," Mr. Bush said.
  • Includes water supply forecasts, reservoirs, and the Surface Water Supply Index (SWSI) for Alaska and other Western states.
  • Mr. Clinton included the new dollars for states when he proposed a $1,000 tax credit for people who need long-term care.
(15) base, found
Kolokacji: 4
(23) run, flee, fly, defect, escape
Kolokacji: 6
(29) vary, differ
Kolokacji: 4
(32) ban, prohibit, accuse
Kolokacji: 3
(34) compete, sue, fight
Kolokacji: 5
(35) buy, earn, pay, gross
Kolokacji: 6
(37) tour
Kolokacji: 3
(38) negotiate, discuss
Kolokacji: 2
(39) promote, encourage, urge
Kolokacji: 3
(43) prevent, participate, counter
Kolokacji: 4
(44) adopt, follow, elect
Kolokacji: 3
(45) join, bind, associate, connect
Kolokacji: 7
(46) appoint, mandate
Kolokacji: 3
(47) surround, protect
Kolokacji: 2
Adjektiv + state
Kolokacji: 649
southern state • independent state • mental state • Palestinian state • sovereign state • Jewish state • emotional state • princely state • ...
Präposition + state
Kolokacji: 48
such as the United States • outside of the United States • on behalf of the United States • along with the United States • ...

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