"state" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

state Substantiv

Substantiv + state
Kolokacji: 345
United State • Ohio State • Washington State • Michigan State • Florida State • California State • Pennsylvania State • Oregon State • ...
state + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 930
State Department • State Legislature • State University • state law • state highway • State Senate • state agency • state senator • ...
state + Verb
Kolokacji: 416
state ratifies • state bans • state enacts • state requires • state imposes • state adopts • state regulates • state faces • state plans • ...
Verb + state
Kolokacji: 399
state called • return to the United States • come to the United States • move to the United States • live in the United States • ...
Adjektiv + state
Kolokacji: 649
southern state • independent state • mental state • Palestinian state • sovereign state • Jewish state • emotional state • princely state • ...
3. mental state = stan psychiczny, stan umysłowy mental state
5. Mexican state = Meksykański stan Mexican state
7. Jewish state = Żydowski stan Jewish state
8. emotional state = stan emocjonalny emotional state
12. Baltic state = Bałtycki stan Baltic state
13. Communist state = Komunistyczne państwo Communist state
14. one-party state = jednopartyjny stan one-party state
  • This is more than a political issue with a neighbouring state.
  • However, most of the visitors are from neighbouring states, rather than foreign countries.
  • The above distances show that this place is near to important areas of neighbouring states rather than its own state.
  • And it has provided an example for the scripts of neighbouring states.
  • In this conflict, both sides called upon aid from neighbouring states.
  • When he was murdered, many of them fled to neighbouring states.
  • Libya's political and social landscape is far more complex than most of neighbouring states.
  • Romney has spent five years campaigning in his neighbouring state and anything less than a ten percent lead would look poor.
  • The first one supports the democratic transformation and institution building in our neighbouring states.
  • Over the years, as demand increased, the board has imported power from neighbouring states and private entities.
16. populous state = ludny stan populous state
17. African state = Afrykański stan African state
19. unitary state = państwo unitarne unitary state
21. Arab state = Arabski stan Arab state
22. neighboring state = sąsiedni stan neighboring state
25. socialist state = państwo socjalistyczne socialist state
30. constant state = stały stan constant state
31. Muslim state = Muzułmański stan Muslim state
32. Indian state = Indyjski stan Indian state
33. German state = Niemiecki stan German state
35. modern state = nowoczesny stan modern state
39. Soviet state = Radziecki stan Soviet state
40. totalitarian state = państwo totalitarne totalitarian state
43. solid state = stan stały solid state
44. poor state = biedny stan poor state
46. single state = stan wolny single state
47. sorry state = stan godny pożałowania sorry state
48. powerful state = potężny stan powerful state
49. Greek state = Państwo greckie Greek state
51. only state = jedyny stan only state
52. small state = państewko small state
53. large state = duży stan large state
54. original state = oryginalny stan original state
56. free state = stan wolny pierwiastka free state
57. future state = przyszły stan future state
58. normal state = normalny stan normal state
60. advanced state = zaawansowany stan advanced state
61. new state = państwo nowe new state
62. American state = Amerykański stan American state
63. whole state = cały stan whole state
64. certain state = pewny stan certain state
65. physical state = fizyczny stan physical state
66. federal state = kraj związkowy, stan federalny federal state
67. big state = duży stan big state
68. great state = wielki stan great state
69. early state = wczesny stan early state
70. Austrian state = Austriacki stan Austrian state
71. French state = Państwo francuskie French state
72. major state = ważny stan major state
74. low state = nisko położony stan low state
75. bad state = zły stan bad state
76. excited state = stan wzbudzony excited state
77. steady state = stan ustalony steady state
78. national state = państwo ogólnonarodowe national state
79. previous state = poprzedni stan previous state
80. sad state = godny ubolewania stan sad state
82. particular state = szczególny stan particular state
84. strong state = silny stan strong state
85. permanent state = stały stan permanent state
86. failed state = państwo upadłe failed state
87. military United State = wojska zjednoczyły państwo military United State
88. Russian state = Rosyjski stan Russian state
89. weakened state = osłabiony stan weakened state
91. true state = prawdziwy stan true state
92. fragile state = słaby stan fragile state
93. centralized state = scentralizowany stan centralized state
94. initial state = stan początkowy initial state
96. continental United State = Europejczyk z kontynentu zjednoczył państwo continental United State
98. foreign state = państwo obce foreign state
100. important state = ważny stan important state
Präposition + state
Kolokacji: 48
such as the United States • outside of the United States • on behalf of the United States • along with the United States • ...

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