"standard" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

standard Adjektiv

standard + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 413
standard procedure • standard practice • standard equipment • standard deviation • standard feature • standard model • ...
2. standard practice = przyjęty sposób postępowania standard practice
4. standard deviation = odchylenie standardowe (od średniej) standard deviation
7. standard gauge = normalna szerokość torów standard gauge
11. standard definition = typowa definicja standard definition
12. standard fare = standardowa opłata standard fare
13. standard format = standardowy format standard format
15. standard method = typowa metoda standard method
16. standard text = klasyczny tekst standard text
17. standard size = standardowy rozmiar standard size
18. standard repertory = typowy repertuar standard repertory
19. standard English = język angielski w formie powszechnie uznawanej za poprawną w danym kraju anglojęzycznym standard English
20. standard rate = stawka standardowa standard rate
21. standard issue = typowa kwestia standard issue
22. standard language = norma językowa standard language
24. standard way = standardowa droga standard way
26. standard test = standardowy test standard test
28. standard system = typowy system standard system
29. standard set = standard umieścił standard set
30. standard room = standardowy pokój standard room
31. standard design = klasyczny projekt standard design
32. standard reference = standard odniesienia standard reference
33. standard part = część znormalizowana, część standardowa, element znormalizowany standard part
35. standard measure = typowy wskaźnik standard measure
37. standard rule = typowa zasada standard rule
38. standard year = typowy rok standard year
39. standard textbook = standardowy podręcznik standard textbook
40. standard unit = jednostka umowna standard unit
41. standard protocol = klasyczny protokół standard protocol
42. standard repertoire = żelazny repertuar standard repertoire
43. standard type = typowy typ standard type
44. standard approach = typowe podejście standard approach
  • Years later, this would become the standard approach to video game storytelling.
  • So many things in the standard approach had to be changed.
  • Avoid confusion, however, by adopting a standard approach at first.
  • A standard approach is to leave this requirement until the final step.
  • These various remedies are sometimes used in the place of standard medical approaches.
  • In the standard approach using only real numbers, that is done by taking the limit as tends to zero.
  • Finally, after several weeks of waiting, it became clear that this treatment, which is considered the standard approach for a pneumothorax, was not working.
  • From there, we'll move to the proper location for a standard approach.
  • Although that idea is not new, the doctors say they have achieved their goal by turning the standard approaches inside out.
  • The interpretation was criticised at the time but, years later, became the standard approach to the character.
45. standard error = błąd standardowy standard error
46. standard therapy = standardowa terapia standard therapy
47. standard engine = standardowy silnik standard engine
48. standard length = znormalizowana długość standard length
49. standard library = standardowa biblioteka standard library
50. standard condition = typowy warunek standard condition
51. standard deduction = kwota wolna od podatku standard deduction
53. standard works = typowy pracuje standard works
54. standard term = termin standard standard term
55. standard uniform = standardowy uniform standard uniform
56. standard curriculum = typowy program nauczania standard curriculum
57. standard pattern = typowy wzór standard pattern
58. standard response = typowa odpowiedź standard response
59. standard weapon = standardowa broń standard weapon
60. standard speech = typowa mowa standard speech
61. standard rifle = standardowa strzelba standard rifle
62. standard tool = standardowe narzędzie standard tool
63. standard temperature = standardowa temperatura standard temperature
64. standard component = typowy składnik standard component
65. standard transmission = standard przenoszenie standard transmission
66. standard package = klasyczny pakiet standard package
67. standard formula = standardowa formuła standard formula
68. standard class = standardowa klasa standard class
69. standard school = standardowa szkoła standard school
70. standard fee = opłata standardowa standard fee
72. standard keyboard = klawiatura standardowa standard keyboard
73. standard interface = interfejs standardowy standard interface
74. standard gauge railway = kolej normalnotorowa standard gauge railway
standard + Präposition
Kolokacji: 7
standard on • standard for • standard in • standard with • standard among • ...

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