"square" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

square Adjektiv

square + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 131
square foot • square mile • square kilometer • square kilometre • square meter • square metre • square root • square tower • ...
1. square foot = stopa kwadratowa square foot
2. square mile = mila kwadratowa square mile
3. square kilometer = kilometr kwadratowy (km²) square kilometer
4. square kilometre = kilometr kwadratowy (km²) square kilometre
5. square meter = metr kwadratowy square meter
6. square metre = metr kwadratowy square metre
7. square root = pierwiastek kwadratowy (w matematyce) square root
8. square tower = kwadratowa wieża square tower
9. square inch = cal kwadratowy square inch
10. square footage = metraż kwadratowy square footage
11. square building = kwadratowy budynek square building
12. square face = kwadratowa twarz square face
13. square room = kwadratowy pokój square room
14. square km = kwadratowy km square km
15. square jaw = kwadratowa szczęka square jaw
16. square yard = kwadratowy jard square yard
17. square hole = kwadratowa dziura square hole
18. square bracket = nawias kwadratowy square bracket
19. square dance = taniec w cztery pary square dance
20. square block = kwadratowy blok square block
21. square shape = kształt kwadratowy square shape
22. square area = kwadratowy obszar square area
23. square meal = pełny posiłek square meal
24. square base = kwadratowa podstawa square base
25. square dancing = taniec w cztery pary square dancing
26. square league = liga kwadratowa square league
27. square window = kwadratowe okno square window
28. square sail = żagiel rejowy square sail
29. square table = kwadratowy stół square table
  • In the center of the room was a square table.
  • The square table was always placed in the middle of the room, against the northern wall.
  • Inside, there was a square table and some folding wooden chairs.
  • A small room with three square tables and a row of windows along one wall.
  • He sat down at one of the library's square tables to read it.
  • There was a square table in the center of the room, with two chairs on opposite sides.
  • A square table priced at $1,200 has an unusual finish.
  • They pulled several small square tables together to make the conversation easier.
  • They walked into a small lounge where half the little square tables were empty.
  • They sat around a square table in the canter of the room to eat.
30. square plan = kwadratowy plan square plan
31. square chin = kwadratowa broda square chin
Adverb + square
Kolokacji: 3
roughly square • perfectly square • hopelessly square

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