"spread" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

spread Verb

spread + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 79
spread rumors • spread ideas • spread one's hands • spread one's wings • spread one's arms • spread one's legs • spread one's fingers • ...
1. spread rumors = rozpowiadać plotki spread rumors
2. spread ideas = pomysły rozprzestrzeniania spread ideas
5. spread one's arms = rozkładać czyjś ramiona spread one's arms
6. spread one's legs = rozkładać czyjś nogi spread one's legs
7. spread one's fingers = rozkładać czyjś palce spread one's fingers
8. spread the gospel = głosić ewangelię spread the gospel
9. spread information = rozpowszechniać wiadomości spread information
10. spread the word = szerzyć wieści, rozprzestrzeniać informacje spread the word
13. spread awareness = świadomość rozprzestrzeniania spread awareness
14. spread the news = rozpowszechnij wiadomości spread the news
  • Their job was to spread the news along the water front.
  • With which he began to spread the good news among his army.
  • Then we'll go along and spread the news for them.
  • In the first three weeks after they spread the news, no one called.
  • He left the room to spread the news down the hall.
  • But they went out and spread the news about him all over that region.
  • He went right into the house and made 20 telephone calls to friends to spread the "good news."
  • Still, it was all I could do to keep from spreading the news.
  • After spreading the news, he had gone about some business of his own, it seemed.
  • Some car owners said the city did not go out of its way to spread the news.
15. spread knowledge = wiedza rozpowszechniania spread knowledge
16. spread out one's hands = rozkładać się czyjś ręce spread out one's hands
17. spread propaganda = propaganda rozprzestrzeniania spread propaganda
18. spread one's influence = rozkładać czyjś wpływ spread one's influence
19. spread one's teachings = rozkładać czyjś nauczania spread one's teachings
20. spread fear = strach rozprzestrzeniania spread fear
Verb + spread
Kolokacji: 15
help spread • begin spreading • continue to spread • begin to spread • try to spread • ...
spread + Präposition
Kolokacji: 65
spread out • spread across • spread over • spread through • spread throughout • spread around • spread among • spread beyond • ...
spread + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 78
quickly spread • spread rapidly • widely spread • spread evenly • spread thin • spread wide • slowly spread • spread far • spread apart • ...

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