"soda" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

soda Substantiv

Substantiv + soda
Kolokacji: 8
club soda • diet soda • cream soda • grape soda • cherry soda • ...
soda + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 23
soda fountain • soda bottle • soda pop • soda can • soda water • ...
Verb + soda
Kolokacji: 12
drink soda • bake soda • sell soda • sip soda • add soda • ...
(1) drink, sip, use, pour
Kolokacji: 4
(2) bake, sell, wash, serve
Kolokacji: 4
1. bake soda = piecz sodę bake soda
2. sell soda = sprzedaj sodę sell soda
3. wash soda = umycie soda wash soda
4. serve soda = obsłuż sodę serve soda
  • As they talked, shot pool and danced, Carmela Murphy, 44, served soda, juice and cookies behind a non-alcoholic bar.
  • They serve soda in cans that can be twisted apart to create razor-sharp knives.
  • Unlike most fast food companies, In-N-Out serves soda from two different companies.
  • The next night the club reopened, serving fruit juice and soda instead of liquor.
  • The area served beer, wine, soda and water.
  • He had a job in a café, serving soda, using a soda fountain.
  • Rumi-Huasi serves soda and beer and has a list of inexpensive wines.
  • His wife, Madhu, a banker, served peanuts and soda to neighbors who joined them.
  • A kind of rabbit warren, the basement includes a room with a big round table where Dr. Hicks serves soda and cookies to visiting schoolchildren.
  • Like a handful of New York's most elegant restaurants, the American Girl Cafe does not serve soda.
(3) add, include
Kolokacji: 2
(4) order, ban
Kolokacji: 2
Adjektiv + soda
Kolokacji: 14
caustic soda • orange soda • cold soda • empty soda • lemon-lime soda • ...
Präposition + soda
Kolokacji: 7
of soda • with soda • for soda • in soda • on soda • ...

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