"small" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

small Adjektiv

small + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 2403
small town • small group • small number • small business • small amount • small village • small size • small piece • small island • ...
Verb + small
Kolokacji: 20
grow smaller • look small • feel small • make small • start small • become smaller • ...
Adverb + small
Kolokacji: 71
relatively small • comparatively small • fairly small • considerably smaller • slightly smaller • extremely small • somewhat smaller • ...
(1) relatively, comparatively
Kolokacji: 2
(4) extremely, exceedingly
Kolokacji: 2
(5) significantly, mainly
Kolokacji: 2
(6) generally, arbitrarily
Kolokacji: 2
2. sufficiently small = wystarczająco mały sufficiently small
4. vanishingly small = tak mały, że niemal znika vanishingly small
6. seemingly small = pozornie mały seemingly small
8. ridiculously small = śmiesznie mały ridiculously small
9. actually smaller = faktycznie mniejszy actually smaller
10. abnormally small = nienormalnie mały abnormally small
11. absurdly small = nieprawdopodobnie mały absurdly small
12. deceptively small = pozornie mały deceptively small
14. microscopically small = mikroskopijnie mały microscopically small
15. disappointingly small = niezadowalająco mały disappointingly small
16. geographically small = geograficznie mały geographically small
  • Main sights of San Francisco can be seen in a relatively brief amount of time, since it's geographically small and easy to get around.
  • I am fascinated by the atmosphere of such places, the cultural diversity in a geographically small space.
  • Mayotte is a geographically small territory, but frequent exchanges between villages have not started until the last quarter of the twentieth century.
  • This geographically small ward is just under 40 blocks from front to back, but only 4 blocks wide.
  • Although geographically small, the city-state had a tradition of independence and orderly government the English admired.
  • It's a constitution for one geographically small colony, about as concentrated and packed with people as Holland.
  • Chinatown and Gallery Place are noted for being geographically small but also having a very large number of restaurants.
  • The town of Zermatt, while dense, is geographically small.
  • Port Chester may be small geographically, but there are 25,000 people here.
  • Although small geographically, this stunning destination contains the richest pockets of biodiversity in Australia, if not the world.
17. admittedly small = wprawdzie mały admittedly small
18. decidedly small = zdecydowanie mały decidedly small
20. laughably small = śmiesznie mały laughably small
21. steadily smaller = stale mniejszy steadily smaller
22. ludicrously small = śmiesznie mały ludicrously small
23. shockingly small = skandalicznie mały shockingly small
24. marginally smaller = minimalnie mniejszy marginally smaller
(8) surprisingly, amazingly
Kolokacji: 2
(10) forward, forwards
Kolokacji: 2
(11) pitifully, pathetically
Kolokacji: 2
(12) progressively, increasingly
Kolokacji: 2
(13) incredibly, impossibly
Kolokacji: 2
(16) equally, comparably, similarly
Kolokacji: 3
(18) negligibly
Kolokacji: 1
small + Präposition
Kolokacji: 18
small for • small in • small by • small to • small of • ...

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