"silence" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

silence Substantiv

Substantiv + silence
Kolokacji: 7
radio silence • Sunday Silence • Silence of the Lambs • ringing silence • morning silence • ...
silence + Verb
Kolokacji: 69
silence falls • silence follows • silence descends • silence reigns • silence stretches • silence fills • silence comes • silence hangs • ...
Verb + silence
Kolokacji: 59
keep silence • lapse into silence • sit in silence • break the silence • ride in silence • eat in silence • walk in silence • stare in silence • ...
Adjektiv + silence
Kolokacji: 201
long silence • sudden silence • stunned silence • dead silence • awkward silence • complete silence • absolute silence • total silence • ...
3. stunned silence = głucha cisza, ogłuszająca cisza stunned silence
4. dead silence = kompletna cisza, głucha cisza dead silence
5. awkward silence = niezręczna cisza awkward silence
8. total silence = całkowite milczenie total silence
9. utter silence = zupełna cisza utter silence
10. brief silence = krótkie milczenie brief silence
12. short silence = krótka cisza short silence
13. eerie silence = upiorna cisza eerie silence
14. tense silence = cisza czasu tense silence
15. heavy silence = ciężka cisza heavy silence
16. deep silence = głęboka cisza deep silence
17. shocked silence = wstrząśnięta cisza shocked silence
18. thoughtful silence = cisza pełna zadumy thoughtful silence
22. respectful silence = pełna szacunku cisza respectful silence
23. uneasy silence = kłopotliwa cisza uneasy silence
24. sullen silence = ponura cisza sullen silence
25. embarrassed silence = niezręczna cisza embarrassed silence
26. grim silence = ponura cisza grim silence
27. ominous silence = złowróżbna cisza ominous silence
28. great silence = ogromna cisza great silence
29. relative silence = względna cisza relative silence
30. terrible silence = straszna cisza terrible silence
31. brooding silence = zalegająca cisza brooding silence
32. little silence = mało ciszy little silence
  • After a little silence he said, "So you found me, and then what?"
  • There was a little silence, then the sound of movement in the bed as she sat up.
  • There was a little silence after the engine had died.
  • There was a little silence between them, then they moved on.
  • There was a little silence, and something in the room seemed to change.
  • There was a little silence while they all looked at each other again.
  • There was another little silence, and then he called down to you again.
  • There was an uncomfortable little silence after she had left.
  • There was a little silence around the table at that.
  • There was a little silence, and then everybody began to smile.
33. perfect silence = doskonała cisza perfect silence
34. deafening silence = głucha cisza deafening silence
35. strange silence = dziwna cisza strange silence
36. awful silence = okropna cisza awful silence
37. gloomy silence = ponura cisza gloomy silence
38. awed silence = bać się cisza awed silence
Präposition + silence
Kolokacji: 16
into silence • in silence • of silence • for silence • with silence • ...

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