"sentence" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

sentence Substantiv

Substantiv + sentence
Kolokacji: 22
death sentence • prison sentence • life sentence • jail sentence • China sentence • sentence of several months • opening sentence • ...
2. prison sentence = kara więzienia, kara pozbawienia wolności prison sentence
3. life sentence = dożywotnie więzienie, dożywocie life sentence
  • One is a life sentence, and the other might as well be.
  • For some people, it might have been a life sentence.
  • He was given a life sentence, and died in June.
  • There are an average of 25 life sentences per year.
  • On 6 September 2005 he was given a life sentence.
  • Given a life sentence, he died in prison on 29 May 2011.
  • He had received two life sentences of at least ten years each.
  • The day came when the doctors called all the family in and gave her a life sentence.
  • A case stands in the court and he is given a life sentence.
  • Let's say the alternative was to give him a life sentence.
4. jail sentence = wyrok więzienia jail sentence
5. China sentence = Chiny zdanie China sentence
7. opening sentence = zdanie otwarcia opening sentence
sentence + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 8
sentence structure • sentence fragment • sentence construction • sentence reduction • sentence length • ...
sentence + Verb
Kolokacji: 45
sentence ranging • sentence ends • sentence reads • sentence contains • sentence means • ...
Verb + sentence
Kolokacji: 56
pass sentence • complete one's sentence • pronounce sentence • sentence is commuted • impose a sentence • sentence is reduced • ...
Adjektiv + sentence
Kolokacji: 137
maximum sentence • long sentence • mandatory sentence • short sentence • minimum sentence • single sentence • light sentence • ...
Präposition + sentence
Kolokacji: 17
under sentence • into sentences • between sentences • by sentence • with a sentence • ...

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