"seem" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

seem Verb

seem + Präposition
Kolokacji: 46
seem to • seem beyond • seem at • seem on • seem in • ...
seem + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 226
hardly seem • suddenly seem • seem somehow • seem far • actually seem • finally seem • seem right • once seem • seem well • ...
1. hardly seem = ledwie wydawaj się hardly seem
2. suddenly seem = nagle wydawaj się suddenly seem
3. seem somehow = wydawaj się jakoś seem somehow
4. seem far = wydawaj się daleko seem far
5. actually seem = faktycznie wydawaj się actually seem
6. finally seem = w końcu wydawaj się finally seem
7. seem right = wydawać się prawo seem right
8. once seem = kiedyś wydawaj się once seem
9. seem well = wydawaj się dobrze seem well
10. barely seem = ledwie wydawaj się barely seem
11. scarcely seem = ledwie wydawaj się scarcely seem
12. initially seem = początkowo wydawaj się initially seem
15. seem vaguely = wydawaj się trochę seem vaguely
16. seem simply = wydawaj się prosto seem simply
17. seem merely = wydawaj się jedynie seem merely
18. generally seem = ogólnie wydawaj się generally seem
19. increasingly seem = coraz bardziej wydawaj się increasingly seem
  • The students seem increasingly beyond the control of older politicians.
  • Our leaders are elected to lead, and yet they seem increasingly to follow.
  • But as the midterm elections approach, 2004 increasingly seems like a long time ago.
  • For Nick, in particular, time increasingly seems to move on fast forward.
  • Students and school pupils increasingly seem to be the force behind protests.
  • What increasingly seems to be lost is the individuality and, often, integrity of the student.
  • That seems increasingly to be the case with the genre's biggest hit so far, "Lost."
  • The man seemed increasingly to have gone back into hiding over the last few days.
  • In his later years Howard seems increasingly to have retired from public life.
  • Citizens today increasingly seem to believe what they are told.
20. seem clearly = wydawaj się wyraźnie seem clearly
21. seem completely = wydawaj się całkowicie seem completely

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