"see" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

see Verb

see + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 1406
see table • see note • see recipe • see parallels • see box • see similarities • see signs • see combat • see pictures • see map • ...
Verb + see
Kolokacji: 182
remember seeing • report seeing • recall seeing • enjoy seeing • stop seeing • start seeing • keep seeing • go see • come see • ...
see + Präposition
Kolokacji: 84
see out • see up • see off • see past • see beyond • ...
see + Adjektiv/Adverb
Kolokacji: 140
widely seen • seen before • see fit • plainly see • see alive • see wrong • barely see • commonly seen • actually see • hardly see • ...
1. widely seen = powszechnie zobaczony widely seen
2. seen before = zobaczony wcześniej seen before
3. see fit = uważać za właściwe see fit
4. plainly see = najwyraźniej zobacz plainly see
5. barely see = ledwie zobacz barely see
6. actually see = faktycznie zobacz actually see
8. hardly see = ledwie zobacz hardly see
9. see clearly = widź jak na dłoni see clearly
10. easily seen = łatwo zobaczony easily seen
11. dimly seen = mgliście zobaczony dimly seen
13. occasionally seen = od czasu do czasu zobaczony occasionally seen
14. normally seen = zwykle zobaczony normally seen
15. definitely see = z pewnością zobacz definitely see
16. finally see = w końcu zobacz finally see
19. regularly seen = regularnie widziany się regularly seen
  • But we hope you'll come to see us more regularly in the future.
  • In fact they are regularly seen around all the best joints.
  • It's regularly seen on tour by thousands of people around the world.
  • The pair were seen regularly by their neighbors, going to church or working at a local community center.
  • Over 100 species of birds are regularly seen each year along the river bottom.
  • However, for some years now, I have regularly seen reports being passed which are more or less linked to this question.
  • During this time, he was regularly seen on stage at the University in various productions.
  • He now regularly sees about 15 patients, most of whom pay only what they can afford.
  • Signs of how much this has changed can be seen in newspapers regularly.
  • The same few buildings were regularly seen as part of many settlements in the shows.
20. increasingly seen = coraz bardziej zobaczony increasingly seen
22. once seen = kiedyś zobaczony once seen
23. generally seen = ogólnie zobaczony generally seen
25. see right = patrz prawo see right
26. best seen = najlepiej zobaczony best seen
27. see alive = widzieć żywy see alive
28. see ahead = zobacz naprzód see ahead
29. eventually see = ostatecznie zobacz eventually see
30. better see = lepiej zobacz better see
31. quickly see = szybko zobacz quickly see
32. simply see = po prostu zobacz simply see
33. seen together = zobaczony razem seen together
34. later seen = później zobaczony later seen
36. briefly seen = pokrótce zobaczony briefly seen
38. see wrong = zobacz źle see wrong
39. seen away = zobaczony daleko seen away
40. see straight = myśleć logicznie see straight
41. initially seen = początkowo zobaczony initially seen
42. see above = patrz powyżej, patrz wyżej, sprawdzić powyżej see above
43. most seen = najbardziej zobaczony most seen
44. see directly = zobacz bezpośrednio see directly
45. see red = wpaść w furię see red
46. see inside = zobacz do środka see inside
48. instantly see = natychmiast zobacz instantly see
49. truly see = naprawdę zobacz truly see
50. readily seen = chętnie zobaczony readily seen
52. see firsthand = zobacz z pierwszej ręki see firsthand
53. mainly seen = głównie zobaczony mainly seen
54. see exactly = zobacz dokładnie see exactly
55. seen twice = zobaczony dwa razy seen twice
56. originally seen = początkowo zobaczony originally seen
57. surely see = na pewno zobacz surely see
58. largely seen = w dużej mierze zobaczony largely seen
59. merely see = jedynie zobacz merely see
60. see properly = zobacz jak należy see properly
61. seen primarily = zobaczony pierwotnie seen primarily
62. traditionally seen = tradycyjnie zobaczony traditionally seen
63. see below = sprawdzić poniżej, patrz poniżej see below
64. seen especially = zobaczony specjalnie seen especially
65. seen alone = zobaczony w pojedynkę seen alone
66. necessarily see = koniecznie zobacz necessarily see

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