"seat" nach Englisch mit Beispielen - Kollokationen-Wörterbuch Englisch

seat Substantiv

Substantiv + seat
Kolokacji: 145
county seat • Senate seat • car seat • passenger seat • council seat • leather seat • Assembly seat • window seat • toilet seat • ...
seat + Substantiv
Kolokacji: 48
seat belt • seat cushion • seat auditorium • seat theater • seat passenger • ...
seat + Verb
Kolokacji: 43
seat goes • seat leaves • seat facing • seat lies • seat costs • ...
Verb + seat
Kolokacji: 200
seat vacated • seat created • lose one's seat • gain several seats • retain one's seat • resign one's seat • rise from one's seat • ...
2. lean in one's seat = szczupły w czyjś miejsce lean in one's seat
4. slip into one's seat = wsuwać czyjś miejsce slip into one's seat
6. change seats = zmienić siedzenie, przesiąść się change seats
7. leap from one's seat = skok z czyjś miejsce leap from one's seat
8. get up from one's seat = wstawać czyjś miejsce get up from one's seat
9. walk to one's seat = podchodzić czyjś miejsce walk to one's seat
10. switch seats = miejsca zmiany switch seats
12. jump into one's seat = skok do czyjś miejsce jump into one's seat
13. move from one's seat = przejść czyjś miejsce move from one's seat
14. jump from one's seat = skok z czyjś miejsce jump from one's seat
16. swap seats = miejsca zamiany swap seats
17. lower into the seat = spuść do miejsca lower into the seat
18. move in one's seat = wprowadzać się czyjś miejsce move in one's seat
  • Upon the death of his father, he ran for the same seat and won in 1995.
  • She ran for a seat on the board of education in 1991, without success.
  • I even turned down the chance to run for your seat in the city- state senate.
  • He thought about running for his old seat again in the 1990s, but decided against it.
  • A number of Republicans are thinking about running for his seat.
  • He ran for the same seat and won in a 1986 special election.
  • Might you consider running again for a seat in the Senate?
  • In the end, he chose to not run for the seat.
  • The coach arrived and we all ran for the back seat.
  • Four Democrats, all employees of his office, ran for the seat.
20. stir in one's seat = wmieszać czyjś miejsce stir in one's seat
21. jump in one's seat = wskakiwać czyjś miejsce jump in one's seat
22. shift one's seat = zmiana czyjś miejsce shift one's seat
23. spring from one's seat = wiosna z czyjś miejsce spring from one's seat
24. lift from one's seat = winda z czyjś miejsce lift from one's seat
25. shove into the seat = wrzuć do miejsca shove into the seat
26. jump out of one's seat = wyskakiwać czyjś miejsce jump out of one's seat
27. bounce in one's seat = odbicie w czyjś miejsce bounce in one's seat
28. rock in one's seat = kamień w czyjś miejsce rock in one's seat
(11) slump, sink, drop, slouch
Kolokacji: 7
(12) go, sell, buy, need, stay, ...
Kolokacji: 12
(13) allocate, reserve, allot
Kolokacji: 3
(14) strap, secure, attach
Kolokacji: 4
(19) ease, help, serve
Kolokacji: 4
Adjektiv + seat
Kolokacji: 186
front seat • rear seat • empty seat • parliamentary seat • Congressional seat • open seat • vacant seat • legislative seat • hot seat • ...
Präposition + seat
Kolokacji: 31
of seats • from one's seat • out of one's seat • about several seats • onto the seat • ...

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